Friday, March 19, 2010

Making a Solar Plate to add a line drawing to a monotype

Today I decided to do my own version of the Dodo bird swimming in the pool of tears with Alice. I want a solar plate that I can print on a monotype--a way of adding some line work to the print. I'm going to illustrate the steps involved.
I started by looking at several versions of this image for inspiration. I love Aurthur Rackhams picture, circa 1907 (Thanks to Another wonderful version is by Kiki Smith circa 2000 (Thanks to MoMA.)

Next, I began to sketch out my own version. Here is the pencil drawing. The next step is to develop the drawing and translate it to a black ink drawing on transparency paper. I'll be using Sharpie markers to make the transparency. This transparency will be used to expose the solar plate. 
I'll post this next step tomorrow I hope.

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